Headphones have a special place in every music lover's life.
In the early 1890s, headphones were single-sided heavy speakers to hold on to the ear and communicate. This later evolved into an electrophone. It was a system consisting of a stethoscope type headphone connected to a switchboard. Using this setup, the people around London could tune into the live performances happening all over London. This luxurious subscription cost around 5 pounds a year then. This hefty setup was the iPod of their times. The first true headphones were designed by engineer Nathan Baldwin on his kitchen table. As much as people ignored his invention, the US Navy understood his insight and bought hundreds for defense purposes. A decade or two later, in 1937, Beyerdynamic invented the first headphone for personal listening. Until then, headphones were a tool in the armed forces. The DT-48 from Beyerdynamic was an on-ear type headphone with a thin metal headband with two cables to connect individually. https://www.headsetzone.com/plant...