Cleaning Your Litter Box
If your cat has started refusing to use the litter box, she is not the only one! This is arguably the biggest problem faced by cat owners everywhere. It means your cat is trying to tell you that something isn't right. Its up to us as cat lovers to determine what that is! What you definitely do NOT want to do is punish your cat. This will not make the issue go away, and may even make it worse. If your cat is punished she will learn to fear and avoid you. It can lead to increased stress for your cat, which in turn can lead to an increased problem. Do take some time to consider each of these possible causes. You may find that there are more than one, and that you will need to address each of them separately. These are the most common reasons why your cat may not be using the litter box. - Medical Problems The first thing you must do when your cat starts to eliminate away bb boxes from the litter box is to have your veterinarian examine him or her for any signs of medical problem...